Friday, February 6, 2009

Does Plastic Surgery will Change Your Face Better?

The answer is not always!!! For many celebrities, the pressure to maintain a youthful and flawless appearance forces them to turn to plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments. Below are five celebrities who tried to improve their appearance with various procedures but ended up looking worse for their efforts!

Jessica Simpson - Restylane Injections

Either Jessica Simpson had a temporary lapse in judgment or she broke under the pressure of a pushy doctor when she chose to have Restylane injected in her lips. The appearance of her lips, which were already relatively full and smooth, was not improved at all. After treatment, her lips were too full, and she walked around with a perpetually pouty mouth. Lucky for Jessica, the effects of the Restylane wore off in a few weeks and her lips went back to normal.

Kenny Rogers - Face Lift

Kenny Rogers may have a better case for needing to get plastic surgery than Jessica Simpson. But, after Rogers had a face lift, all the features on his face were a little too lifted. The skin on Rogers's face was pulled too tightly. So, now he doesn't have any wrinkles, but he also doesn't have any facial expressions other than "surprised."

Carrot Top - Eyebrow Lift

Carrot Top used to be a moderately funny comedian. Now, he is just a really weird-looking guy. Presumably, Carrot Top chose to have a brow lift, and potentially other cosmetic procedures, done to freshen up his aging, sagging skin. The brow lift may have been a good idea, but the reality is actually scary. Carrot Top's eyebrows are now more precisely groomed and highly arched than the average drag queen's on a show night.

Tara Reid - Liposuction

Why Tara chose to have liposuction on her tummy to begin with is a mystery. She is young, active, and doesn't have children. But, Tara did have liposuction, and she definitely regrets that decision now. Her liposuction operation was "botched" and Tara was left with wrinkled skin loosely hanging off her sunken-in stomach.

Joan Rivers - Everything

Joan Rivers is quite vocal about her multiple facial cosmetic procedures. But, it's not like she could keep it a secret anyway. One look at her and plastic surgery is, well, written all over her face. Cosmetic procedures should enhance your natural beauty, not replace your natural face entirely!

The stories you have just read go to show that even celebrities are sometimes victims of lousy liposuction and frightful face lifts.

If you are interested in plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation surgery or liposuction, you need a skilled plastic surgeon. A plastic surgery office in Gainesville, Florida can help address your concerns and answer your questions.

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