Monday, February 9, 2009

Has Jennifer Aniston Had Face Lift Surgery?

This past August, the 39 year-old Aniston said she would never get plastic surgery again, that the deviated septum repair was it for her, and the surgery was intended primarily to help her breathe at night. A septoplasty indeed denotes a surgery procedure on the internal midline of the nose called the septum.

This is performed to help patients who suffer from nasal airway obstruction. Just so the public understands, if the external bones and cartilage of the nose is surgically altered, then it becomes a rhinoplasty (or septorhinoplasty if both are done at the same time). The maneuvers done on the external nose like narrowing and straightening of the nasal bones and refinement of the tip and width of the nose are done usually for cosmetic reasons. Rarely if ever do these maneuvers affect breathing, they just are intended to make the nose look better!

Rumors have also circulated that Jennifer may have gotten some soft tissue fillers in her lips, although this is very subtle. Jennifer may also receive Botox by the look of her elevated brows. One commentator from said, “The more weight she’s losing, the more gaunt her face looks,” the insider explains. “That’s why she may get the fillers.” But Jennifer’s rep calls the claims “completely false – she has not had any procedures done."

A recent rumor began that Ms. Aniston may have gotten liposuction. I find it hard to believe considering her already slim body, I can’t imagine where she had the lipo done. However, others seem to think that she might have had done some sort of an outpatient procedure with a relatively quick downtime like SmartLipo. We think she's just in great shape, and has never looked better!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Face Lift New Jersey for Male

Your face and your body has become a powerful tool to nail business deals, make a girlfriend say yes in an instant, and get small favors done within seconds. This is how important it is to look good, drop-dead gorgeous would be better, nowadays. And with the wide array of modern techniques, equipments and procedures, virtually nothing is impossible. Couple that with liberty being enjoyed by everyone without even batting an eyelash on anyone who displays discernment , and everyone is free to do just about anything. That includes breaking the notion that women are the only ones who have the right to enhance their looks. In New Jersey, aesthetic surgery clinics dedicated to male clients are emerging left and right, making male cosmetic surgery in NJ omnipotent.

Maintaining a youthful appearance is already accepted as an indication of health and fitness, so most male are starting to grab the idea of enhancing spots in their bodies and faces that they like the least. For the face alone, a single male has a lot of options to attract more ladies and charm his way to promotions. Facelift is a popular procedure undergone by men who believe that a younger looking skin spells his relaxed aura, but there are other procedures you might want to learn of.

Neck can now be shaped to perfection through neck contouring, so your neck would not look as if is as big as your face. Chin augmentation could help transform the shape of your face, while a brow lift may be all you need to look as mysterious as it can get. If you are tired of the flab in your body which you have been exercising for, it could be gone within days with liposuction. In case you have triumphed loosing that big belly, you might want to check if you have been equally successful with those sagging arms and see if you would still need an arm lift.

These procedures are also done in female, but men who decide to go for a surgery are more discreet when it comes to letting some know of the operation done to them. Remember, unlike female who are proud of withstanding such procedure, male prefer anonymity over boasting off with friends. That being said, it is also understood that no male could truly hide from everyone else once he has undergone a cosmetic surgery procedure unless he has picked a clinic that understands male clients and knows just what men want - a quick and painless recovery so they can go about their work within a very short period of time.

When considering male cosmetic surgery in NJ, look for a clinic whose main goal is to give you that natural look that gives no clue as to the kind of operation you have recently undergone. With the wide presence of the Internet, it would not be of much problem to you to identify the cosmetic surgery clinic that knows what you want and understands your needs as a patient and as a male.

Face Lift Toronto Now Easier than You Had Ever Thought

Plastic surgery Toronto is the branch of surgery which deals in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery on a variety of parts of the body, including skin, face, hands, and breasts, etc. Plastic surgery Toronto is used to repair, reconstruct, or replace the form and function of a body part by transfer of tissues. It can be a voluntarily elective decision as in case of a facelift, or medically necessary one to treat an injury caused by an accident or a disease.

Whatever the case may be but as it is a surgical procedure that changes your physical appearance, it's very necessary to decide carefully on what place and doctors you choose for plastic surgery Toronto. With a recent explosion of clinics offering plastic surgery Toronto, it is almost difficult to decide what is best it is important to inquire about your Surgeon's credentials. It is always best to go for Board Certified Doctor. A physician who has successfully completed an ACGME-approved residency program or it's equivalent in an American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)-recognized specialty and has been certified by an ABMS member board.

At The Baywood Clinic, Dr. Kara is one of the leading Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons in Toronto, having competed a full five year Residency in Plastic Surgery Toronto at the University of Western Ontario, where he won the Gold Medal for Surgery. He has over 15 years of clinical experience in all of the latest cosmetic surgical techniques, and an excellent safety and patient satisfaction record. All procedures are performed to the highest possible standards, in a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario approved surgical suite, and with Board certified Anesthetists and Registered Surgical Nurses.

The bay wood Clinic offers a variety of options to cater to your needs for Plastic surgery Toronto. Our services include:
* Breast augmentation (24 Hour recovery),
* Liposuction ( helps sculpt the body by removing fat from a certain area),
* Face lift (improves the visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, and tightening muscles and skin.)
* Brow lifts (a surgical procedure to make you more youthful & refreshed),
* Tummy tucks (to make your abdomen significantly smaller and skin tighter),
* Eye rejuvenation (remove fat or skin from above and below the eyes.
* Laser Clinic (used to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars),
* Botox (reduces wrinkles from age) and more options for plastic surgery Toronto.

Getting a plastic surgery Toronto done with all your expectations and dreams fulfilled is now easier than you had ever thought. To schedule a consultation or to make an inquiry, call us at 416.515.0007.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Does Plastic Surgery will Change Your Face Better?

The answer is not always!!! For many celebrities, the pressure to maintain a youthful and flawless appearance forces them to turn to plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments. Below are five celebrities who tried to improve their appearance with various procedures but ended up looking worse for their efforts!

Jessica Simpson - Restylane Injections

Either Jessica Simpson had a temporary lapse in judgment or she broke under the pressure of a pushy doctor when she chose to have Restylane injected in her lips. The appearance of her lips, which were already relatively full and smooth, was not improved at all. After treatment, her lips were too full, and she walked around with a perpetually pouty mouth. Lucky for Jessica, the effects of the Restylane wore off in a few weeks and her lips went back to normal.

Kenny Rogers - Face Lift

Kenny Rogers may have a better case for needing to get plastic surgery than Jessica Simpson. But, after Rogers had a face lift, all the features on his face were a little too lifted. The skin on Rogers's face was pulled too tightly. So, now he doesn't have any wrinkles, but he also doesn't have any facial expressions other than "surprised."

Carrot Top - Eyebrow Lift

Carrot Top used to be a moderately funny comedian. Now, he is just a really weird-looking guy. Presumably, Carrot Top chose to have a brow lift, and potentially other cosmetic procedures, done to freshen up his aging, sagging skin. The brow lift may have been a good idea, but the reality is actually scary. Carrot Top's eyebrows are now more precisely groomed and highly arched than the average drag queen's on a show night.

Tara Reid - Liposuction

Why Tara chose to have liposuction on her tummy to begin with is a mystery. She is young, active, and doesn't have children. But, Tara did have liposuction, and she definitely regrets that decision now. Her liposuction operation was "botched" and Tara was left with wrinkled skin loosely hanging off her sunken-in stomach.

Joan Rivers - Everything

Joan Rivers is quite vocal about her multiple facial cosmetic procedures. But, it's not like she could keep it a secret anyway. One look at her and plastic surgery is, well, written all over her face. Cosmetic procedures should enhance your natural beauty, not replace your natural face entirely!

The stories you have just read go to show that even celebrities are sometimes victims of lousy liposuction and frightful face lifts.

If you are interested in plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation surgery or liposuction, you need a skilled plastic surgeon. A plastic surgery office in Gainesville, Florida can help address your concerns and answer your questions.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Face Lift Philadelphia

Laser skin tightening is a minimally or non-invasive process that uses an infrared light source (a laser) to tighten skin by heating the collagen under the skin's surface, causing the skin to contract (tighten). Skin tightening is a unique option for facial and skin rejuvenation that produces dramatic results. Skin tightening effectively reduces the appearance of loose skin or fine and intermediate wrinkles for a smoother and more youthful appearance. Sometimes, surgical correction (face lift, tummy tuck etc) is the only option. However, most of the time, laxity of the skin is mild or moderate, and a less invasive treatment can achieve the desire results.Who can benefit from skin tightening?
People who start noticing loose skin in their cheeks, neck, chest, abdomen, buttocks, legs, and arms as a result of aging or weight loss could consider skin tightening treatment. Laser skin tightening is appropriate for men and women of all skin types and skin tones who wish to achieve dramatic results without painful surgery and lengthy recovery.

Skin tightening expected results
Skin type, body area, and downtime play a role in the outcome. Also, various laser technologies provide different degrees of skin tightening. In general, the more aggressive the treatment the more noticeable the results are.
CO2 laser treatment is the most aggressive approach and is usually used when skin tightening and skin rejuvenation are desired. It delivers the most drastic results. It is effective for the treatment of the face, and neck in fair and Asian skin.
A newer technology that is based on the CO2 laser is fractionated CO2 laser (DeepFX). It delivers similar results for skin tightening with greatly reduced downtime. In addition, it treats effectively other body areas such as the chest and the lax abdomen after pregnancy. Titan laser can treat all body parts. In comparison to CO2 laser treatments, the downtime is much shorter but it requires multiple treatments to achieve substantial results. Results can last up to 2 years and additional treatment can follow to maintain the desired look. Nd:YAG, Thermage™ ( radiofrequency), ReFirme™ are also used for tightening lose skin. These products use lower energy levels to deliver reduced patient discomfort. Consequently, multiple treatments are required to achieve significant results.

Skin tightening down time
If the 7-14 day-downtime of the conventional CO2 laser is unacceptable, fractionated CO2 with a downtime of 3-6 days may be used with minimal sacrifice of results. Nd:YAG, Titan, Thermage™ do not harm the surface of the skin. Therefore, those treatments do not involve downtime. However, allocating time for multiple treatments should be considered.

Skin tightening pricing
Skin tightening cost depends on the desired results (number of treatments) and the size of the treated area and can vary between $500 to $7000. CO2 laser or fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing require usually a single treatment with an average cost of $3000. Thermage™ and Titan treatment cost structure is similar. A single session usually costs around $1500. As two to three treatments are usually needed, a patient should expect an average cost of around $4000.

Author: Dr. Franziska Ringpfeil

Monday, February 2, 2009

New York City Face Lift

If you're considering a New York City facelift, keep reading for an overview of the actual surgical procedure alongside tips on how to achieve a speedy recovery time.

Preparing for a Facelift
Your first step in preparing for a facelift is to book a consultation appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area. At your consultation, you will discuss the type of facelift that's best for you, the possible effects the procedure will have on your appearance, the risks associated with a facelift, costs and the extent of your treatment.

On the day of your surgery, you'll be expected to arrive at the hospital having been smoke free for 30 days, alcohol free for 7 days and on a completely empty stomach. After you've been cleared, you will be rendered unconscious using general anesthesia.

The Facelift Procedure, Step-by-Step
In New York City, facelift operations typically follow the standard format - starting with a minute, hidden incision that starts just behind the temples and runs along an existing crease around the back of the ear.

Once cut, your surgeon will then separate the muscles and skin from your facial tissues. Then, the skin is either reshaped or excess skin is removed. Depending on the type of facelift, the underlying muscles are also tightened with the skin. Finally, the skin is put back in place once it's been stretched and reshaped.

Most facelifts last about 90 to 120 minutes in New York City. Facelift patients then recover for half a day to two days in the hospital, followed by a lengthy recovery at home. Patients typically stay in the hospital until their first bandage change or once their drainage tubes have been removed.

After-Surgery Care for Rhytidectomy Patients
For patients in New York City, facelift operations are typically followed by at least 28 to 30 days of reclusive rest and relaxation. While typical activities can be resumed in as quickly as a week, most patients are held back by the significant amount of bruising and swelling that occurs.
Patients can use makeup and facial creams after 5 to 7 days as long as their skin isn't overly sensitive or still visibly healing. Inhibitors to the healing process include cigarettes, drinking, stimulants, excessive exercising and overheating.

Facelift Alternatives
Because a facelift only affects the jaw, cheek and nasal areas of the face, many patients look for facelift alternatives that can actively improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on their brows, eyes and necks. There are targeted lift procedures for each of these areas, but for residents of New York City, facelift surgeries are often complimented by filler injectables like Collagen.
Though facelifts are often lightheartedly presented in the news concerning actors and others whose livelihoods largely depend upon the upkeep of their appearance, it is nonetheless a surgical procedure and should be pursued with due caution. New York City may seem to be the hub of plastic surgery, but that doesn't mean a person can simply select a plastic surgeon casually. You should take care to locate a one with whom you are very comfortable.

Article by: Trevor Price

Beverly Hills Face Lift

Facial rejuvenation in Phoenix, and beyond, has progressed way past traditional facelift surgery. Not just for aging baby boomers anymore, facial rejuvenation now includes even younger patients, battling the earliest stages of the aging process. Many people think the industry is hottest in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, where the pressure of looking young and keeping up with the Joneses is most prevalent, but in fact, Phoenix is surging with cosmetic surgery patients, and here, technical advances are moving the plastic surgery industry forward.

Phoenix plastic surgery helps turn back the clock. With procedures such as facelifts, browlifts, mini-facelifts, neck lifts, facial implants, chemical peels, Botox, and Phoenix eyelid surgery, facial signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots are eliminated, leaving smoother, younger looking skin.

A Phoenix facelift, or rhytidectomy, will take care of elevating cheeks, lifting jawlines, tightening the skin around the brow and temples, and raising the eyelids, depending on the individual's facial structure and expectations. A facelift is still often the longest-lasting and most successful procedure for a more dramatically youthful appearance. However, there are alternatives to facelift surgery which are less invasive and with minimal downtime.

Doctors say that of all tell-tale signs of aging above the collarbone, most often the neck demonstrate the first. The main reason is that the neck skin - thinner and less elastic than that of the face - succumbs earliest to the forces of gravity. Among the earliest signs of aging are, in fact, some jowls and the "double chin". Here is where a neck lift procedure, often performed in conjunction with Phoenix neck liposuction, steps in to remove the effect of wrinkles, fat tissues and other symptoms of aging in the neck area, which are often overlooked.

Another procedure often disregarded for facial rejuvenation, is nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty. While the nose may not be the first thing you attribute to aging, a rhinoplasty procedure is often the most dramatic in overall aesthetics of the face. Often Phoenix rhinoplasty patients who have undergone nasal surgery for removing bumps, or drooping tips, comment on how much younger and refreshed they look, simply by changing the appearance of their nose.

Article by: bevhillsdoc

Manhattan Face Lift

Dr. Arthur Millman is an oculo-facial plastic surgeon specializes in surgery of the full face and neck, eyelids, brows, tears ducts and orbit (eye socket) and is now offering Fraxel Treatment!

As with many aspects of medicine and technology, "State of the Art" care today involves the use of specialists. Specialists are surgeons who have obtained advanced and additional training beyond conventional surgical residency to practice the most advanced techniques of surgery.

Dr. Arthur Millman brings unique skills he has perfected through extensive fellowship training , many years of surgical experience and thousands of surgical successes. Dr. Millman has Board certifications including ophthalmology, Oculoplastic Surgery, and cosmetic surgery, and advanced training in facial plastic surgery.
Fraxel® Laser Treatment is a safe, non-invasive procedure that allows you to rediscover the fresh, healthy skin of your youth.

Benefits of Fraxel® Laser Treatment: It Improve texture tone and pore size and Erases unwanted brown spots, it also Smoothes wrinkles around the eyes and acne scars. It rejuvenates your neck, chest and hands with minimal downtime. So far only two varieties of laser treatment have been available for cosmetic enhancement-ablative and non-ablative. Traditional ablative, which literally means vaporization at a very high temperature, are very effective at destroying unwanted tissue but may have significant side-effects and require a lengthy healing period. Non-fractional non-ablative, on the other hand, have very few side-effects and require almost no healing time, but may involve numerous treatments over many months to achieve only modest results.

At long last, a laser with the potency of ablative treatments and the gentle safety of non-ablative lasers received clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration to treat a variety of important cosmetic conditions.

Fraxel® Laser Treatment is designed to target aging and damaged skin by creating microscopic "wounds" within the targeted areas that penetrate well beneath the skin's outermost layer. In this way, Fraxel® Laser treatments trigger the body's own natural production of new collagen and skin cells. And because Fraxel® Laser Treatment combines the impact of ablative lasers with the gentleness of non-ablative lasers, healing occurs so quickly that there is very little downtime for patients.

After several years of studies and mounting evidence of the Fraxel® Laser's safety and effectiveness, the FDA has cleared this unique new laser to treat the following conditions: Acne Scars, Age Spots/Brown Spots, Melasma (Mask of Pregnancy), Wrinkles Around The Eyes, Dr. Millman has 20 years of microsurgical and laser surgical experience due to his combined training in Oculo-facial plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.

The Manhattan Center for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers the following procedures: Corrective Surgery after previous Surgery resulting in unhappy patients. Composite Eyelid Lift and Brow Lift, Face Lift, Cheek and Neck Rejuvenation (Face Lift, Cheek & Neck Lift) Facial Augmentation - Cheek and Chin Implants Non-Surgical Rejuvenation techniques (Botox, Restylane, Perlane, Radiance, Scupltra, Fat Transfer, Chemical Peels, Lasers) Facial Cancer Surgery: All forms of skin and facial cancer including a comprehensive technique that includes complete cancer cure and simultaneous restoration of normal facial appearance (Basal Cell, Mohs Melganoma etc.) Congenital and Pediatric (Newborns with birth defects and undesirable facial appearance can be helped to live a more normal life).

The Manhattan Center Arthur L. Millman, M.D. 345 East 37th Street New York, New York 10016 Tel: 212 697 9797 Fax: 212 697 4907

Face lift Cosmetic Surgeon

What do celebrities such as Kathy Griffin, David Gest, Kenny Rogers, Jill Saward and others regret?
Do other celebrities such as Priscilla Presley, Cher, Joan Rivers and Melanie Griffith have the same regrets?
Are Michael Jackson, his sisters Janet and LaToya and Jackie Stallone related or do they, too, harbor regrets?
What do these celebrities have in common that causes them angst? Why, plastic surgery, of course!
Do you find it interesting that celebrities who can afford the very best surgeons and care often find themselves the butt of cruel jokes regarding their choices of using surgery and injections that were supposed to make them look younger?
Living in the limelight can certainly have its advantages and perks but there is a downside to living life on the red carpet and that is most likely why celebrities subject themselves to constant scrutiny that results in multiple procedures.
From nose jobs to breast implants, brow lifts to face lifts, cheek and chin implants, to eye lifts and regular use of Botox and fillers, the celebrity population keeps the plastic surgery business alive on both coasts.
John Q. Public loves celebrities and some even want to emulate them. Just peruse any woman's magazine and you will find knock-off clothing suggestions from shoes, jewelry, sweaters, tops, slacks to coats coaxing the reader to look like a celebrity. Buying knock-off clothing and accessories to emulate a celebrity is just one step from wanting Jennifer Anniston's nose or Madonna's new cheek implants.
Aging with style and grace has been compromised with the advent of injections that plump and paralyze; add cutting perfectly healthy tissue, a very generous and sustained publicity blast that has kept these modalities forever in our psyche, and voila - faces are being cut, sutured, injected and altered at an alarming rate.
Do the procedures really help men and women to look younger and healthier? Do the risks outweigh the outcome?
Donda West and her untimely death easily comes to mind when you consider risks and benefits. Like Ms. West, many men and women in her age group have hidden health challenges that may not be uncovered until it is too late. Choosing a well qualified surgeon is paramount; disclosing all medications, vitamin usage, previous health concerns and procedures will assist your health provider to determine your eligibility for plastic surgery. Choose a surgeon in good standing with the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Plastic surgery is not a walk in the park.
Every surgery has its risks and dangers. Surviving a surgery then contracting MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is highly possible. This makes recovery especially difficult because eighty percent of facelift surgery infections are MRSA "Superbugs" according to a study conducted by researchers from the Lennox Hill-Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital and published in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery.
Other risks of cutting and suturing are that the results may not be what you anticipated. The skin surrounding the incision may not heal or act like your skin did previous to the procedure. Once healthy skin is cut, it is never the same. There is usually a loss of sensation (think Joan Rivers in the Geico commercial when she laments that she cannot feel her face) because the blood supply to the area has been diminished.
Injections that plump and paralyze do not always produce the desired results either. Too many visits with the syringe and you can begin to look freakish as taut and shiny are not synonymous with beauty and youth on a face that is trying to disguise old, wrinkled and droopy.
So what's the healthy solution for creating a younger looking face so the user doesn't have to suffer from invasive injections or risky surgeries?
The healthy solution is facial exercises. That's right, just as exercise works to trim, slim and tighten your waist, tummy, hips, thighs, torso and arms, facial exercises will address each slack, droopy facial feature and begin to systematically from the inside out tighten, tone and lift the areas that make you look old, tired and even lop-sided.
Facial exercises are more reliable than surgical procedures and injections because they can return your face to the look you enjoyed years ago. Your friends and family will easily recognize you as you present a fresh, pretty face for the world to see.

Article by: Cynthia Rowland